Programming in MS SQL Server 2012 |
Open CursorOpens a Transact-SQL server cursor and populates the cursor by executing the Transact-SQL statement specified on the DECLARE CURSOR or SET cursor_variable statement. The following example describes to open a declared cursor to start query execution. -- Example 144 --
DECLARE EmployeeList CURSOR FOR SELECT EMP.Emp_Code, EMP.Emp_Name, EMP.Salary, EMP.Dept_Code, DEPT.Dept_Name FROM EMP INNER JOIN DEPT ON EMP.Dept_Code = DEPT.Dept_Code
OPEN EmployeeList Query Output Screen Note: If the cursor is declared with the INSENSITIVE or STATIC option, OPEN creates a temporary table to hold the result set. OPEN fails if the size of any row in the result set exceeds the maximum row size for Microsoft SQL Server tables. If the cursor is declared with the KEYSET option, OPEN creates a temporary table to hold the keyset. The temporary tables are stored in tempdb. |
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