Programming in MS SQL Server 2012 |
Table VariableTable variable is a special data type that used to stores a query result set temporarily in memory for processing at a later time. Table variable can define in user defined functions, stored procedures and program batches. Table variable's data value automatically erases when end of the function, stored procedure or program batch. The following user defined function describes to display Department wise Employee Phone Numbers through Table Data Type. -- Example 80 --
USE EBusiness GO
IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sysobjects WHERE name = N'PhoneList') DROP FUNCTION PhoneList GO
CREATE FUNCTION PhoneList(@Dept_Code numeric(5)) RETURNS @Result TABLE (Emp_Code numeric(5), Emp_Name varchar(50), Phone varchar(50) ) AS BEGIN INSERT INTO @Result (Emp_Code, Emp_Name, Phone) (SELECT Emp_Code, Emp_Name, Phone FROM EMP WHERE Dept_Code = @Dept_Code) RETURN END GO
SELECT * FROM PhoneList(10) SELECT * FROM PhoneList(20) SELECT * FROM PhoneList(30) SELECT * FROM PhoneList(40) SELECT * FROM PhoneList(50) Query Output Screen More Reference URL: |
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