Employee Management System
Employee Management System is an Application that developed in the combination of Web Technology and RDBMS. This Application is helps to maintain an I.T. Company Employee and Project Information. The following information is re-presenting you about generalized I.T. Company Operational Flow.
An instance, an I.T. Company is formed with many Technical and Non-Technical Departments. Each Department is formed with many Technical and Non-Technical Employees and Employees are managing by Department's Manager.
Non-Technical Departments are maintaining Administration, HR and Marketing Activities. I.T. Company is operating at different Buildings and Workstations. Most of the Workstations are allotted to Employees and some workstations are empty that reserved for new Employees.
Technical Department is developed and maintaining many Projects with many Technical Employees and Tasks. Each Technical Employee has many Technical Skills in different Technology.
Each Technical Employee is assigned in one or many Projects with Tasks. Each Task is assigned to one or many Technical Employees or many Tasks are assigned to one Technical Employee.
The following image is re-presenting you about Employee Management System's Logical Data Architecture with Chen's Notations.
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