Cross-Functional Flowchart
Flowchart can categories into two types are called "Program Flowchart" and "System Flowchart" the alternative names are "Basic Flowchart" and "Cross-Functional Flowchart". Program Flowchart is helps to Analyze, Design and Document an Application Program Code to Enhance the Application Functional Flow, System Flowchart is helps to Analyze, Design and Document an Organization Functional Flow to Enhance the Organization Operation.
Cross-Functional Flowchart is a Process Oriented Graphical Method to re-present an Organization Functional Process along with Process Relationship, Functional Units like Department or People and the Responsibility of the Process. Cross-Functional Flowchart can design with Typical Flowchart Symbols along with Swim Lane Symbol that's why it is called Swim Lane Diagram and the alternative name is "Deployment Process Map".
Swim Lane is helps to categorize an Organization Functional Units based on the Department or Unit or People and the Responsibility of the Process. Swim Lane can categories into two types are called "Horizontal Swim Lane" and "Vertical Swim Lane". Each Swim Lane must define with a unique name like Commercial, Marketing, Account, Customer, Supplier, Sales Person...etc.
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