Data Storage Manager
Buffer Manager Operation
Corporate Database is requires huge memory that stores in the Secondary Disk. Complete Database cannot store in the Main Memory for Database Operation. Buffer Manager is interacts between Secondary Memory into Main Memory that helps to move data from Disk into Memory and achieve Database Operation.
RDBMS Buffer Manager is maintaining Input Query Queue and Output Query Queue. Before execute SQL Query, Buffer Manager compares the new Query with recent Input Query Queue, if find out the related Output Query Queue then transmit data into SQL Query Engine else Buffer Manager communicates with File Manager.
File Manager Operation
Corporate Data is store in Raw Data Format on the Disk by using File System that provided by Operation System. File Manager is interacts between Buffer Manager into Physical System Database through Operating System that helps to maintain Allocation of Disk Space, Data Structures, Store Data in the Database and then Retrieve Data from Database.
Authorization Manager Operation
Database Authorization Manager is a Framework that helps to maintain Database User(s) Role and Responsibilities of Database Operation. Database Authorization Policy is stores in the Metadata Database that compile and stores in the System Catalog Files.
Transaction Manager Operation
Database Transaction is collection of task and each task is independently process in the Database Management System to maintain Information in the Database.
Atomic, Consistent, Isolate and Durable are Properties of Database Transaction in the Relational Database Model that acronym is ACID.
Each Database Transaction is start with Unique Transaction ID and following the same sequence of operation ... Begin Transaction, Execute Query, Commit Transaction when no error occurs or else Rollback Transaction and then End Transaction.
Atomic Property
Atomic transaction property is maintaining database operation status about All Transaction Process Completed or Not, Error and Failure of the Transaction that helps to Commit or Terminate Database Transaction in the Database Management System.
Consistent Property
Consistent transaction property is maintaining Database Integrity Constraints violation status about particular Transaction Process that helps to Commit or Terminate Database Transaction in the Database Management System.
Isolate Property
Database Transaction is collection of task and each task is independently process in the Database Management System. Isolation transaction property is maintaining Query Execution status that helps to affect or not the concurrent Database Transaction. An instance, after committed a transaction process and then concurrent transaction can utilize the updated data from Database Management System.
Durability Property
Durability transaction property is maintaining Database Modification status that helps to stores committed transaction updated data in the Database Management System, even in the event of Network or Application or System Failure.
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