System Analyze and Design is a Basic Factor in the Application Development Life Cycle. System can Analyze and Design through PROCESS, DATA and OBJECT Oriented Approach. Data-e-Education - System Analyze Method e-course is designed with PROCESS and DATA oriented approach. This is based on SSADM - Structured System Analysis and Design Method.
SSADM is invented by Office of Government Commerce (OGC), which is an office of the United Kingdom's Treasury. SSADM is following Water Fall Software Development Process Methodology. SSADM is designed with Three Techniques and Zero to Six Hierarchical System Analyze and Design Stages.
01. SSADM - Logical Data Modeling Technique
Dr. Peter Chen is the originator of the Entity-Relationship Model. Logical Data Model is a System Analytical Tool in the Entity Relationship Model that used to define a Business Process Flow and Logical Database Structure with Entities, Relationships, Attributes and Domain Rules. Entity-Relationship Model is System Analytical Tool that helps to examine a System through Data and design a Structural Database Design. This technique is called DATA Oriented System Analyze and Design Approach.
02. SSADM - Data Flow Modeling Technique
Data Flow Diagram was invented by Larry Constantine, who developed the Structured Design Concept based on Martin and Estrin's "Data Flow Graph" model of computation. Data Flow Diagram is a Process Oriented Graphical Method to re-present an Organization Business with Process, Data Storage, Data Flow and External Entity Information. This technique is called PROCESS Oriented System Analyze and Design Approach.
03. SSADM - Entity Event Modeling Technique
Entity Event Modeling is used to analyze and define each Business Entities Life Historical Information. For example, CREATE a Bank Account, DO Bank Transactions, CLOSE Bank Account and then DELETE Bank Account Information from Bank Database. Data-e-Education - System Analyze Method does not include this technique.
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An Imaginary System Specification, before continue to read System Analyze Method's Articles.
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