History of RDBMS
1970, IBM was implemented Dr.E.F.Codd's Concept and projected Relational Database Management System Prototype Application is called System R that deploy with Structured Query Language. 1974, System R developed and then enhanced the Prototype Application into Commercial RDBMS is called System/38 (1979), SQL/DB (1981) and DB2 (1983).
1973, Eugence Wong and Michael Stonebraker was implemented Dr.E.F.Codd's Concept and projected Open Source Relational Database Management System is called Berkeley INGRES. This Open Source Relational Database Management System developed by University of California, Berkeley.
1979, Berkeley INGRES developed and then enhanced the RDBMS into INGRES that implemented Commercial and Government Agency. Late 1979, Postgres RDBMS developed based on INGRES. 2007, PostgreSQL Open Source Object Relational Database Management System developed from Postgres.
Relational Software (ORACLE Corporation) was implemented Dr.E.F.Codd's Concept and developed their own SQL based RDBMS. 1979, Relational Software Inc introduced the first commercial RDBMS is called ORACLE Version 2 and implemented in U.S. Navy, Central Intelligence Agency and other U.S. Government Agencies.
ORACLE Corporation enhanced ORACLE V2 into ORACLE 8.0 and then partially implemented Object Oriented Concept and introduced an Object Relational Database Management System is called ORACLE 8i.
1980, Relational Database Systems projected Informix and introduced in 1981.
1984, Sybase Inc developed Systemware that based on the INGRES Database Architecture and marketed the product with Microsoft is called Sybase SQL Server. Sybase can implement in UNIX and Window Operating System.
1989, Microsoft developed SQL Server that based on the Sybase SQL Server. MS SQL Server can implement in Window Operating System.
1994, Michael Widenius and David Axmark projected MySQL and 1995, they founded MySQL AB and introduced MySQL Open Source Relational Database Management System.
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