In the Ring Topology, collection of computers can connect in the shared communication line through Network Card and Cable Wire. Every computer must have to connect with previous and next computers in the Network Environment. The Network connection should start with Server Computer into Client Computer and end with Client Computer into Server Computer. Ring Topology is economical and complex method to connect multiple computers in the shared communication line and Network Maintain Cost is high when adding additional Computer and Hardware in the shared communication line. Ring Topology is suitable to interconnect less number of computer and hardware devices in the Network Environment.
The data transmission is happened clockwise and anti clockwise from Server Computer into Client Computer. FDDI, SONET and Token Technique must implement in the Ring Topology to avoid Network Collision. Redundant data transmission is happened in the Ring Topology. An instance, a Ring Topology is integrated with 12 Computers and many Hardware Devices. When, Client Computer 08 wants to communicate data with Client Computer 05, unnecessary data transmission is happened from Computer 08 to 09 and Computer 09 to Computer 10 ... Computer 04 to Computer 05. This approach is increase data transmission time and delay communication in the Network Environment. The data transmission is happened through Network Cable Wire. The Network should shutdown, when, disconnect Network Cable Line. Ethernet Card is help to reduce this type of problem. Ring Topology is outdated in the Computer Network Environment.