TCP/IP Network Model

A Network Protocol is a collection of procedure and function to transmission data from one Computer to another Computer in the Network Environment. Network Protocol is used Packet Switching Techniques to send and receive messages and data in the Network Environment. Network Protocol is implemented Devices Identify Mechanism to establish connection with source computer into target computer in the Network Environment.

TCP/IP Model is a Network Framework that created with collection of Communication Protocols to form a Wide Area Network. TCP/IP Network Architecture is designed with Four Abstraction Layers with different type of Communication Protocols. TCP - Transmission Control Protocol and IP - Internet Protocol are the foundation of this Network Framework and named TCP/IP Model.

TCP/IP Model concept was invented from ARPANET and developed by United Sates Department of Defense on 1970. TCP/IP Model is called Internet Model or DoD (U.S. Department of Defense) Model.

Link Layer

Link Layer is a collection of protocols that helps to transmit raw bit data from source local area network into designated local area network on Internet by using communication equipments and hardware devices. Link Layer is helps to establish and disconnect network connection, signal conversion and error detection on the Internet to provide error free communication between source local area network into designated local area network.

Internet Layer

Internet Layer is helps to routing raw bit data packets (datagram) from source to destination computer on the Internet. Internet Protocol is maintaining source and destination computer IP Address along with ARP, ICMP, RARP and IGMA Protocols to routing data packets on the Internet. Internet Layer is implements IP based data packet switching infrastructure concept and maintains the data congestion type of problem on the Internet. Internet Layer is communicates with Transport Layer.

TCP/IP Transport Layer

Transport Layer is helps to provide end-to-end data transport services and maintain status of the data transmission on the Internet. Transport Layer is formed with TCP and UDP Protocol that helps to manage Network data transmission delay, delay time and error information on the Internet. Transport Layer is communicates with Application Layer.

TCP/IP Application Layer

Application Layer is helps to reformat raw bit data into Syntax (Structure) and Semantics (Meaning) Information and then display the collected information to the Application User to access web page. Application Layer is formed with collection of protocols that HTTP, FTP, SMTP, Telnet? etc.
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