World Wide Web is abbreviated like www or w3 that organizing collection documents and media files by using Hyper Text Language. HTML, Hyper Text Markup Language was invented by Physicist Tim Berners-Lee to create Structured Documents through Structural Semantics Text to organize many files into one file is called Web Page. Website is a collection of interconnected web pages. Website is hosted on Web Server and access through Internet.
Internet is integrated with collection of networks around the world and numerous people are using Internet and exchanging Information from one end to another end by using Computer and Hardware Devices. World Wide Web is one of the services on the Internet that helps to display a web page to publish or maintain information in the Database through Web Server on the Internet. Every website has one unique Domain Name or IP Address that helps to identify the web site on the Internet.
Web page can categories into two types are Static and Dynamic web page. Static web page is used to publish information through Web Server on the Internet. Static web page can design with HTML, SHTML, DHTML, CSS and XHTML Markup Language. Dynamic web page is used to publish and maintain information in the Database through Web Server on the Internet. Dynamic Web Page can design with JavaScript, VBScript, CGI Script, ASP, JSP, PHP, ASP.NET and ColdFusion Script and Program Language.
Web Browser is an Application Program that helps to display web page on the Computer and helps to interact with World Wide Web. Web Browser is uses HTTP to send request and receive a web page from Web Server. Web Browser is uses FTP to upload and download web page from Web Server. The most popular web browser applications are Netscape Navigator, Internet Explorer, Opera, Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome.
Web Server is a Hardware Device that install with Operating System and Web Server Application along with TCP/IP. Web Server Application is maintain HTTP and FTP requests on Internet. Web Server Application is receives different FTP request from browser applications and maintain the received files in the Web Server. Web Server Application is receives different HTTP request from browser applications and serve the requested web page to the browser applications. The most popular web server applications are Internet Information Services, Apache Tomcat, Sun Java System and Zeus.