Web Hosting Service

Web Hosting is a service that helps to publish a website on a Web Server and people can access on the Internet. Web Hosting Companies are provides memory space on own Web Server to publish an individual and organization website and they provide Internet connectivity is called Data Center. Web Hosting Companies are provides memory space on external Web Server to publish an individual and organization website and they provide Internet connectivity is called Collocation.

FTP Protocol

File Transfer Protocol is developed based on Client Server Network Architecture and runs over the TCP/IP Protocol. FTP Protocol is helps to communicate between Client Computer into File Server Computer to transmit files from source into designed computer on the Internet.

An instance, FTP is helps to upload or download files from web site design or web application Development Environment Computer into Host Server Computer to publish the Web Application and Web Site on the Internet. FTP Protocol can implement with Application Code to automatically transfer files from source into designed computer.

SSH Protocol

Secure SHell Protocol is developed based on Client Server Network Architecture that helps to log into remote computer from workstation computer on the Internet and Intranet. SSH is implemented Authentication and Data Encryption Method that secure network connection and data on the Internet and Intranet. SSH was invented by Helsinki University Researcher Tatu Ylonen to secure Telnet and Unix Operating System.

SFTP Protocol

Secure File Transfer Protocol is developed with combination of Secure SHell Protocol that helps to transfer files from Source Computer into Designed Computer on the Internet and Intranet. SFTP can execute in the Command-Line UNIX Operating System and Window NT Operating System. SFTP was invented by Internet Engineering Task Force from Security SHell Protocol.
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