Email System

Email system is store and forward model and primary service on Internet. Email is helps to transmit digital message and stored files from source computer into designated computer on Internet. Each email message has message header and message body. Message header is help to define email address, email date and email subject, attachment files and message body is help to define email ASCII Text message. Email transaction is happened between Email Server into designated computer through SMTP, ESMTP, POP3 and IMTP Protocols.

SMTP Protocol

Simple Mail Transfer Protocol is developed based on Client Server Network Architecture and runs over the TCP/IP Protocol. SMTP is helps to transmit ASCII formatted message and stored files from source into designed computer on the Internet. SMTP protocol communicates delivery parameters information that email address, email data and email subject through email message envelope separately, when user open the email then the content should transmit from email server into designated computer. SMTP Protocol is integrated with POP and IMAP Protocol that helps to save email message in a server mailbox and help to download the email periodically from Email Server.

ESMTP Protocol

Extended Simple Mail Transfer Protocol is enhanced from SMTP Protocol. ESMTP is helps to transmit ASCII formatted message and stored multimedia format files from source into designed computer on the Internet.

MIME Protocol

Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions Protocol is enhanced from traditional SMTP Protocol. MIME is helps to transmit audio, video, images, application code and other specified file format along with ASCII formatted email message from source into designed computer on the Internet.

POP Protocol

POP Server is receives email from Email Server and hold the received emails in the POP Server until the email user retrieve from POP Server. By default, POP cannot send email that's why POP is integrated with SMTP and ESMTP that helps to transmit email on the Internet. Post Office Protocol is helps to retrieve Email from a Post Office Server. POP is working with continues and discontinues Network Environment. POP is implemented with Commercial Email Service Application on the Internet.

IMAP Protocol

Internet Message Access Protocol is helps to create, rename, delete and search email and mailboxes from remote computer on the Internet. By default, IMAP cannot send email that's why IMAP is integrated with SMTP and ESMTP that helps to transmit email on the Internet. Internet Message Access Protocol is enhanced from POP Protocol. IMAP is implemented with Commercial Email Service Application on the Internet.
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