Top Level Domain Name
.com is indicating a commercial web site that helps to do online commerce on the Internet.
.edu is indicating an educational web site that is restricted to use only Institutions and University.
.gov is indicating a government web site that is restricted to use only Government Entities.
.int is indicating an international organization web site that is restricted to use International Treaty Based Organization.
.mil is indicating a military web site that is restricted to use U.S. Department of Defense and its subsidiary or affiliated organizations.
.org is indicating an organization web site that is restricted to use only Non-Profit Organization.
.biz is indicating a business web site that helps to do online commerce on the Internet.
.info is indicating an informative internet resources web site.
.name is indicating an individual people or product or imaginary name web site.
.pro is indicating a professional web site that is restricted to use Lawyers, Accountants, Physicians and Engineers in France, Canada, Germany, U.K and U.S.
.aero is indicating an aeronautic and aviation web site that is restricted to use Aero Domain, Companies, Organizations, Government Agencies and Aviation People.
.coop is indicating a co-operative organization web site that restricted to use Nationalized Co-operative Society.
.museum is indicating a museums web site that is restricted to use Public and Private Museum Organization.
.asia is indicating an Asian regional web site that is restricted to use Asian Organization and People.
.cat is indicating a Catalan Language web site that is restricted to use Catalan Language Country.
.jobs is indicating a jobs web site that is restricted to use Employment Organization.
.mobi is indicating a mobile web site that helps to use internet on Mobile Phone.
.tel is indicating a telephone number based web site that helps to improve communication services on the Internet.
.travel is indicating a travel web site that is restricted to use Travel Agents, Airlines and Tourism Organization.
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