Non-Profit is a non-profit website.
Vision should be leading System Analytical, Data Architecture and Database Online Education website.
Mission is developed to earn money from website advertisement cost and sponsor to disability old age people.
Donor Community
Now, we are forming an Old Age Donor Community and inviting you to join in our Donor Community to support disability old age people. We will announce external government authorized Non-Profit Organization to you. Directly, you can send your fund to them or else yearly once, we will collect fund from different voluntary donors and sponsor the fund to authorized Non-Profit Organization to take care disability old age people. The donor and fund information should be document and publish in the
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Please, you visit the following websites and help the Old Age People.
Author Community
We are inviting voluntary Technical Authors to join in our Author Community to share System Analytical, Architecture and Database Knowledge through that help us to moving forward. Publish your Technical Articles and configure your own web blog or website URL in does not violate your own article copyright law that will publish for informational use.
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Article Box
Post your own System Analytical, Architecture and Database Articles or external website URL information to us. The authorized articles should update in the
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R.K. PREM NATH - Sr. Author & Designer
A.B. CHITRA - Editor & Fund Organizer
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